Ada 2 jenis software Smart PDF Converter yang disediakan, yaitu versi Standar dan Pro.
Smart PDF Converter Pro
Versi Smart PDF Converter Pro memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas yang beragam, diantaranya (copas dari readme):
Convert PDF to Word, HTML and more
* Convert PDF to DOC (editable Word document).
* Convert PDF to HTML.
* Convert PDF to TXT, XLS, JPEG, RTF, TIFF and other file formats.
* Retain formatting, layout and graphics.
* Fast and easy to use.
* Only in Pro version: convert your documents back to PDF.
Conversion to MS Word DOC files
* Strict positioning mode that reproduces the original layout
* Easy to edit mode
* Simple text mode
Conversion to HTML
* Convert to one long HTML page
* Convert to one HTML page with Next and Previous buttons for easier scrolling
* Convert to multiple HTML pages for each PDF page
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